The Edit Map button in Tactic allows you to make bulk edits to desks, meeting rooms and other resources on the interactive office map.
Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use the Edit Map button:
From the interactive map, select the Edit Map button located in the top right corner of the screen. Note: you must be an admin to see this option.
Once inside Edit Map Mode, select the resources you wish to edit. For example, you can select all the desks in a certain area or all the conference rooms on a specific floor.
Next, you can make bulk changes to the selected resources. For example, you can require admin approval for all reservations, mark all resources as unavailable, or add custom restrictions.
To add custom restrictions, select the Restrictions tab. Here, you will see both shared and non-shared restrictions. The non-shared restrictions dropdown will show the unique restrictions for each resource.
Remember to save your changes before exiting the Edit Map mode.
That's it!
By using the Edit Map button, you can quickly and easily make changes to multiple resources at once, saving you time and making it easier to manage your office space.