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Using the favorites feature

How to favorite specific coworkers for easier schedule coordination.

Updated over a week ago

The Favorites feature in Tactic allows you to favorite specific co-workers, making it easier to coordinate schedules. This tool even allows you to make multiple Favorite Lists, making it fast and easy to see which specific groups will be in the office.

In this article, we'll show you how to get the most out of this feature.

Favorite a Coworker

  1. Log in to your Tactic account and navigate to the Team Schedules area on the Home screen. Here you will see a bookmark icon next to each co-worker.

  2. Click on the bookmark to follow a user, adding them to a private Favorites List. Once added, the bookmark next to the favorited co-worker will turn orange, and they will be added to a default list called My Favorites.

  3. Upon refreshing the page, your Team Schedules view will now be automatically filtered to show which days your favorited co-workers will be coming into the office each week.

  4. To clear this filter, simply click on the x next to the name of the list.

Create Custom Favorite Lists

  1. To create additional custom lists or to modify your current lists, navigate to Settings > User Lists.

  2. You can create as many custom lists as you would like. For instance, you may have a list for the coworkers you regularly go to lunch with or one created for a group of coworkers you are collaborating with on a special project.

💡 Note: Favorite Lists are private to your account and only you can see which coworkers you have added to your lists

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