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Viewing Tactic notifications

Stay up to date about important happenings in your account and around the office with Tactic notifications

Updated over a week ago

Notifications are a useful tool in Tactic that help keep everyone informed about important updates and events happening in the office. With Tactic, you can easily view and manage office notifications from the dashboard.

How to View Notifications in Tactic

To access your Tactic notifications, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your Tactic account and navigate to the Dashboard.

  2. On the top right corner of the screen, click on the Bell Icon to the left of your profile picture. This will open the notification center.

  3. The notification center displays a list of recent office notifications. You can differentiate notifications specific to an office by the All Offices tag on the right side of the notification.

  4. Important notifications will be pinned to the top of your notification feed, denoted by a push pin icon to the left of the notification title.


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